Hua Hin Service Trip

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
  2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
  3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
  4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
  5. Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively
  6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
  7. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions


This was a service trip that my organization planned (CEP committee), where we hoped to help people find their interest as well as helping them gain clarity on what career paths they might be interested to peruse in university. We had accomplished this by visiting and assisting two organizations: rescue paws (animal welfare) where we took care of "soi dogs" (giving flea/tick baths and taking them on walks). Furthermore, we also went to mercy children’s home (orphanage) where we came up with activities to play with the kids as well as taught them English. The main goal of this trip was for people who might be interested in becoming a vet or being a teacher to confirm their passion.

Since this was the first ever trip my organization had planned it came with a few bumps along the road. The first being the organizations, originally we had planned to go to the "Hutsadin elephant foundation" but due to some complications about safety and regulations due to us being untrained they cancelled just a couple days before the trip. Without much time left me and friends quickly scrambled to find another organization. Eventually we found rescue paws and thankfully everything worked out during the trip. The second complication was after the trip, the mercy children's home had printed out a banner with the schools name on it. Since this was not a school organization we were not allowed to use the schools name due to copy right issues. This resulted in meetings and discussions with the school until we came to an agreement, which was that we were to take down the video as well as to make an edit to the student handbook to ensure that a situation like this never happens to anyone again.

By planning this trip my friends and I have leaned multiple things about management. We all became closer and understood each others strength and weaknesses which allowed us to work faster and more efficiently in the next trip that we planned. Furthermore, we also learnt about common mistakes that were easily made which could result in massive consequences such copy right issues. Planning this trip has given me a whole new perspective on how management, particularly how difficult it can be as well as how much time and effort was needed be given in making something as small as a day trip can take.