Ayutthaya Trip

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
  2. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences


The Ayutthaya trip was the second service that my committee (CEP) organized. In this trip we went along with another organization where we helped renovated a school which outside of Bangkok who could not afford workers to help them. This trip included activities such as repainting the school, planting a small garden, as well as building grids out of bamboo for kids to do activities such as planting a hanging garden. By both participating in this trip I have gained a deeper understanding of the world around me including those who are less fortunate. I found that even in places so close to home just an hour's drive away was so different which comes to made me think that if somewhere so close is so different opportunity wise how different it would be around the world.

All the other photos: