Moonite Hotel Internship Reflection

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.
  2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
  3. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.


Wanting to gain work experience early on, I along with Devanshi, researched on different businesses that would allow high school students to intern there for work experience. After asking around and doing independent research, we found that our economics teacher also helps manage a hotel and decided to ask her if we could do an internship there.


After finding out that our economics teacher also managed a hotel, we quickly went to her and we had a discussion about the possibility of an internship. She agreed and allowed us to do a 2 weeks internship at the hotel during the break. Before the internship, I did some independent research on what type of hotel it was as well as researched into a working in the hospitality business such as what was expected of me.


On the very first day of the internship, Devanshi and I were stationed in the front desk and had to greet the costumers which included check-ins as well as providing people staying at the hotel with help with directions or bringing more toiletries for them. For the two weeks we rotated between many jobs and tasks such as the kitchen and the maids service. By the end of the 2 weeks internship we have rotated through all the different jobs required for the hotel to keep functioning.


Doing independent research and asking people around has greatly improved my communication skills and I am now much more effective in distinguishing useful information quickly.

Searching for an internship to get work experience, to me, gave me an idea of what it would be like to search for a job later on. Furthermore, by researching what is expected of me prior to me going to the internship has also made me a more well prepared person.

Being able to see first hand what it takes to keep a business running, I was amazed. For a small hotel like the one I interned at to function properly, required a lot of man-power with countless jobs I would never have thought would be required. It has also made me a person who is able to think on their feet often requiring us to quickly think of a solution to a customers problem on the spot.
