Weekly Challenge

Term Two - Week Three

Create a poster that encourages people to show respect. It can be digital or on paper.

Think about what respect is, how we show respect, and who we respect.

Is there a Bible verse that supports this?

Share your poster with your teacher before 12pm Friday.

Term Two - Week Two

Create a poster, video clip, clap motion (or other means) that show ways to be kind during lockdown. Share your creation with your teacher. Your parent could also post it on Facebook for us all to see.

Learn the memory verse for the week - Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

Term Two - Week One

Our values focus for this term is Relationships.

This week's challenge is to find as many words as you can using the letters from the word 'Relationships'. You can only use each letter once and each word must have at least two letters.

When you've found as many words as you can, share your list with your teacher. you can take a photo of it, or share using Google Docs. The winner from each class will get a prize (when we're back at school).

Good luck!