Past Events

What Did Social Justice Do Last Year (2022-2023)?

International Women's Day Civvies!

Blanket Exercise!

Popping Pop Tabs!

Had Students and Community Participate in a Lenten Journey Webinar!

Holiday Cards for the Elderly!

12 Days of Giving Campaign! 

For 3 weeks in November, we ran a clothing drive with the St. Vincent de Paul Organization!

During the last two weeks of October, we had an After Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Food Drive active in association with the Salvation Army!


Here are some of our members with the collected items from the After Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Food Drive before it was given to the Salvation Army!


Here is information from our winter wear/clothing drive that was in association with the St. Vincent de Paul Organization! 


Here is the calendar for our 12 Days of Giving campaign with the Salvation Army! Thanks to our devoted school community, we were able to donate tons of food for the holiday season!

Hey LIONS!! During the Holiday stretch, we were able to make 33 Holiday cards that were donated to the Elliot Community! Many cards brought cheerful smiles and a kiss of joy to the recipients! 

This was a combined effort between the Social Justice Council, Arts Council, and our passionate students!

Thank you to all who participated!

Below are pictures of our Lions hard at work!

Here are photos from our BLANKET EXERCISE! We were blessed to have 2 First Nations oral leaders alongside a Metis oral leader come in and share with us an interactive way to visually see and understand the history of Indigenous Peoples' across Turtle Island (Canada). This heartfelt and moving experience is one that many people got to participate in to help educate themselves about the situation that needs to be resolved. The first step to anything is learning about it, which is what our students, staff, and Admin were able to do through this experience. To Bruce, Jan, and Alicia, if you are reading this, thank you so much for coming in and sharing your wisdom and knowledge with us! It was/is very greatly appreciated!


All the chairs that you are able to see in the photo above were filled! More chairs were needed to be brought aswell!

Approx. 40 people showed participated!

Thanks to members of our Advisors, Admin, and Board, we were able to provide lunches for all those who participated since the activity started right at the beginning of lunch!

We are very grateful to be able to have people as such who care about us in ways we sometimes don't even recognize! Without a second thought, our amazing staff pulled this off for us!

Once again! Thank you to our Indigenous leaders, advisors, admin, board members/commitee, and everyone who came out to learn about the Indigenous Peoples' history in Canada!

This Lenten Journey!

Thanks to the 'Development and Peace - Caritas Canada,' we (the St. James school community) have been invited in participating in their "Create Hope" Stand for the Land" campaign where many people from different communities worldwide will be calling into meetings to talk about the many communities that are 'defending their territories and their lives, particularly in Columbia and Honduras." 

The Webinar launch for this amazing opportunity to learn about the world and lent was on February 25th! Thank you for having us!

The link to their website if you are interested and would like to take a look at what the Development and Peace Organization does can be found in the following line! 

For the 2021-2022 school year, just some of the initiatives taken on by your Social Justice Council were:

Unlearn Murals

On Thursday, May 12th 2022 we had our three beautiful Unlearn Murals installed. 

Make sure to take a look at all three of the murals during this month, and reflect on their meanings!