
Black History Month

Welling school celebrated its diversity in October by holding lots of events around Black History Month. The Philosophy and Ethics and History departments used their curriculum time to learn about famous black people in history. PE showed students how black people have been successful in sport. The art department held an exhibition in the Gallery of art based around black people and culture.

Feel Good Friday

Back at the end of January we held a Feel Good Friday event. This gave everyone a chance to get the feel good factor at the start of each lesson. 

If you missed it we will re run it in the future.

Diana Award Display

Over lockdown our display board was completed. We have information about your ambassadors, what bullying is, where to get help and what events are coming up. When you can get back to student reception, check it out. Its next to the window.

Safer Internet Day 

This year the theme was making the internet a safer place  by being able to distinguish between fake facts and reality. Safer Internet Centre have published top tips and activities to help us all do this.  In school our Keyworker pupils were challenged to make screensavers about making the internet safer. See one of the examples below from Megan.

Check  out to find out what you can do to help and see what others have already done.


LGBTQ+ Support Group

Our LGBTQ+ support group usually meet regularly to help those people who are struggling with their gender and those that aren't. Help comes from staff and other pupils and is reflected around the school everyday and not just in meetings.

New Student Friendly Policy

Our team felt that the current antibullying policy for the school was too long, boring and out of touch for lots of pupils. So they set about editing and rewriting a new version.

The meaning is still there, but it is now much more accessible. Hopefully everyone will understand it and there can be no excuse for bullying.

Every classroom should have a copy of the policy on it's noticeboard and every member of that form will  have signed it including the teacher. 

A binding pact that everyone is up to the challenge to stop bullying.

Read a copy of it here.

Creative Competition

Last year we held a competition for some new antibullying posters. The winners were chosen and prizes given. You can now see their work around the school.

Launch Assembly

Back in September some of our Ambassadors got together and planned an assembly for all year groups promoting anti-bullying. It included this song from Bars and Melody.

More students came forward and offered their help in the programme after seeing the production. 

Cake Sale

Our events team have started fundraising with a very successful cake sale. All the cakes were sold and we raised over £100. 

This money will be used to support other events in school and each year a donation will be made to The Diana Award.