Fact Checking

In Library classes, we have discussed many different ways to fact check and evaluate sources. Here are some reminders:

The one we talk the most about is TRAC (Trustworthy, Relevant, Accessible, Current). Follow the link for more information about TRAC and the TRAC rubrics we use in school. 

Fact-Checking Websites

These websites exist to check viral rumors and misinformation. They work independently to get to the bottom of misinformation. 


Rumor Guard



Reverse Image Searching

Reverse image search is a great way to figure out if an image you see online has been manipulated or used out of context. 

On an iPad:

Lateral Reading

Lateral reading is when you pause when you come to something that seems curious or untrue, open a new tab or window, and explore that before coming back to what you were originally reading.