Hardy Gifted Books Program

Mark that Special Date!

Is your Hardy student celebrating a birthday or other special occasion?

This is your chance to donate a book to the Hardy Library to mark the date!

We invite your family to browse and choose a book from our Amazon Wish List. We will enter your book of choice into our library collection. A special book plate will be added to the inside cover of the book that includes your student's name, age, and the date of the special event. This is a wonderful way to give children a sense of ownership of the Hardy Library and to support all students’ reading!

Donated books should be sent directly to the Hardy Library at 293 Weston Road, Wellesley, MA 02482, or dropped off at the Hardy front office.

Please email Lisa Sheehan at sheehanl@wellesleyps.org and include the following information in your email:

the title of the book you've selected, the student's name, and the name and date of the occasion being commemorated.

Thank you for including our school library in your celebration!