Self Care

YOU are doing so much as a parent of a struggling teenager. This can be a very difficult time and it is essential that you take the time to refuel and care for your own body, mind and soul. Other parents who have been in your shoes describe the overwhelm of learning what their teenager is going through, navigating various health systems, trying to provide as much support as possible and continue to take care of other people in your family. This is not an easy time.

Please click on the LINKS below for some great SELF-CARE strategies.

Self Care Strategies Recommended by Lincoln-Sudbury Bridge Parents

Self Care Strategies Recommended by Amherst Bridge Parents

Self Care with Oprah

Self Care Map


Grounding Techniques

Guided Loving Kindness Meditation

Box Breath

Gratitude Exercise

For more information on self care, please review these links:

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Parenting a Struggling Teen: The Importance of Self Care