
As you work on the homework solutions, please follow the guidelines from this document and read the homework collaboration policy on the grading page.  Before working on the homework problems, read your notes covering that material and make sure you understand everything that was done in class.  Also look at the worked examples from that section in the book.

The first assignment is optional and it can be found here. It is designed to be a review of precalculus and trig. This assignment will not be graded and you do not have to turn it on. Review materials that you might find useful as you do this assignment can be found on the additional materials page.

All the assignments can be found on our

class WebWork page

If you are on campus and connecting to this site, make sure you are on the Wellesley Secure wi-fi network. If you are logging in from off-campus, you'll have to use VPN.

All assignments are due at 5 pm on the date indicated. Here is the list of which sections are due when: