Pānui - Announcements

Huatoki Team Pānui/Announcements: Rooms 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15

Term 1, 2024  Weeks 5 and 6: (26 February - 8 March)

Focus: Make good choices, be fair, care and share 

Key Competency: Relating to Others - Whanaungatanga 

Tena Koutou Whānau, Haere Mai. 

Year 5 and 6: Vertical Horizons Camp (6-8 March)

Huatoki Team Pānui/Announcements: Rooms 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15

Term 1, 2024  Weeks 3 and 4: (12-23 February)

Focus: Make good choices, be fair, care and share 

Key Competency: Relating to Others - Whanaungatanga 

Tena Koutou Whānau, Haere Mai. 

The Huatoki Team teachers are all enjoying getting to know our new classes for 2024. Thank you to everyone who was able to make an appointment to our ‘Meet the Teacher’ day on Wednesday 31st  Jan, and to those who were able to make the whānau picnic organised by our Home & School Committee.   Currently, our key focus is establishing positive relationships and setting up classroom routines and expectations.  During this time teachers are also busy establishing learning groups that best meet the needs of all learners in our new classes. 

Note: This Friday, 16 February, can all children in the Huatoki Team please bring their togs to school even if it is not their usual class swimming day.  We have Chloe Dickinson from Swimming NZ coming into our school to provide support with our swim safety skills.  Each class will be having a swimming session with Chloe.

Year 5 and 6: Vertical Horizons Camp (6-8 March)

This week, you will be sent more information about this (a paper notice, as well as digital permission and health forms). Please read carefully and return all necessary documentation as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance in this.