The Charger Wire

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Notes from Administration

The three weeks of school between Thanksgiving and Winter Break are some of my very favorites. Our students come back from the first break with energy and excitement that rivals the first days of school! The new trimester gives many students a fresh start and a change in their schedule. First trimester grades will be posted in the Home Access Center on December 9th. I hope you will take some time to review your child's grade with him/her and contact teachers with any questions you might have. It was really lovely to meet so many of you at Parent Teacher Conferences. I hope you enjoyed hearing your child talk about his/her progress, and that you will continue to ask them for updates as we move through the year.

It is my hope that your family has a peaceful and safe holiday season. We know that for many, this is a challenging time. If my team can do anything to support you, your student, or your family, please contact us. We are so grateful for the opportunity to serve your family, and wish you the very best as we wrap up 2021!


Maggie Lay


Ignite, LMS!

This year, our theme focuses on "igniting" the fire and desire to learn inside each and every student. So many examples of this exist in the classrooms and hallways of LMS . Each month we will highlight one example to share with the larger community! Check out the great work of of one class below!

Ms. Taylor makes math interactive and fun!

Ms. Taylor supports students outside of the classroom with math skills. She provides students engaging and fun opportunities to learn and review content. She is igniting and instilling a love of learning in her mathematicians!


Important Dates

Wednesday, 12/1: End of Trimester 1

Wednesday, 12/8: Report Cards available in Home Access Center (see below)

12/18 - 1/2: Winter Break

Monday, 1/3: Classes Resume

Wear it Wednesday!

Each Wednesday, LMS invites students and staff to participate in a dress-up day to show off their school spirit! Here are the themes for December:

12/1: Mismatch Day

12/8: Squad Day (match with a group of your friends)

12/15: Holiday Sweater (wear a holiday sweater or holiday colors)

Checking your child's grades

The Home Access Center has a lot of helpful information for families, but is most often used to check on your child's progress in school. The Home Access Center is linked on the District 33 website, as well as the Leman website. If you need help with the Home Access Center, fill out a Help Request here:

When you log into the Home Access Center, you will see a row of buttons at the top that looks like the image below:

If you click on "Grades," you will see any report card grades that have been entered by your child's teacher. Teachers complete grade reports halfway through the trimester, and then again at the end of the trimester. However, you can also see how your student is doing on their daily classwork. To see their daily progress, click on "Classes." The assignments under the Classes tab are updated frequently. We recommend reviewing your child's grades once a week to see their progress.

If you ever have questions about how your child is doing, please reach out to their teacher via email or Parent Square. We would love to hear from you!


Click the image to the left to view a slide show full of pictures from the last month. Here at Leman Middle School we are creative, innovative, and always having fun!

Attention 8th Grade Parents & Students

As 8th graders prepare for the transition to high school, they will have several events at Leman Middle School (LMS) and other opportunities offered by the Community High School (CHS).

In-school events (at LMS, during the school day):

Monday, 1/10/2022: Visits to 8th grade Social Studies classes from the CHS World Language Department (French & German)

Tuesday, 1/11/2022: Visits to 8th grade Science classes from CHS Counselors and Student Leaders to share Course Selection Handbooks

Outside-of-school events (at CHS)

Wednesday, 1/12/2022: 8th Grade Open House at CHS, approximate time 7pm

8th grade Course Selection Meetings with Counselors (at CHS)

Saturday, 1/15/2022--8:00am-4:00pm

Tuesday, 1/18/2022--3:30-9:30pm

Thursday, 1/20/2022--3:30-9:30pm

Monday, 1/24/2022--3:30-9:30pm

November Leman Leaders!

Every month we nominate and acknowledge two students per grade level who have exemplified our Leman Values and have excelled in academics, behavior, or both! Read all about our wonderful students who were selected this month!

Kadin Abdullah

Kadin is just a joy to be around. He says good morning and hello to everyone he interacts with. He is an excellent role model for his peers. He exemplifies the Leman Value of positive interactions. I am thrilled to nominate him as a Leman Leader this month.

Nominated by Mr. Hugelier

Chase Carr

Chase is an awesome 6th Grade Charger! He is hardworking in his classes and consistently follows the LMS values. He is polite and shares his positive energy with others. His smile radiates even under the mask. Chase strives to make each day a great one and lead by example.

Nominated by Mrs. Getz

Oliver Munoz

Oliver is a natural leader who enjoys interacting with peers and staff at Leman. He shows positive interactions daily both in classes, in the halls and in the lunchroom. He motivates others to do well and respects others despite differences they may have. His respect for others makes Leman proud!

Nominated by Ms. Ross

Tierney Doyle

I have gotten to observe several classes in which Tierney is a student. She is always ready to learn, ready to participate, and ready to help her peers! Tierney is such a wonderful student and her insights in class are wonderful. I appreciate that she is always willing to lend her thoughts to the lesson no matter what class it is. Tierney is also so kind to her peers. When working in groups, Tierney leads by example and is a wonderful exemplar of the Leman Values!

Nominated by Dr. Christie

Valentina Espinoza

Valentina is always ready to learn when she arrives at Leman. She is a leader in both her classes and the hallways. Valentina is always ready to help in the classroom. She is a true friend to her classmates, always ready to listen and support them. Besides her dedication to her education, one of my favorite things about her is her smile, followed closely by her wonderful laugh.

Nominated by Mrs. Correa

Denise Ramirez

Denisse is an all around positive influence on the Leman community. She is respectful of her peers and her teachers. Denisse shows kindness and has many positive interactions throughout the day. She is welcoming to others and always comes to school ready to learn. She is a great example for her peers.

Nominated by Mr. Mordini

Morning Announcements Club

The LMS Announcements run every week. Stay up-to-date with currrent events and the latest important reminders happening at the school.

Click here to visit the LMS Announcements homepage.

Check out what's happening on our LMS Facebook page!

Coaching Corner

Test taking season is coming in January. Click on the image below for some helpful tips!

People You Should Know

School Social Workers

All of our social workers are back for another year at LMS! Each year the social workers loop up with their grade levels (6th would move to 7th, 7th to 8th, and 8th would start with the new 6th graders). This way they can maintain a relationship with the kids throughout their time at LMS. Most students who need support work with one of our counselors first, but may transition to working with a social worker if they need more significant support. Howeveer, if you have any concerns about how your child is adjusting to life, they are a great resource!

Ms. Cumbo

6th Grade A-J

Mrs. Meza

6th Grade K-Z

Mrs. Tynan

7th Grade A-J

Ms. Phillips

7th Grade K-Z

Ms. Diaz

8th Grade A-J

Ms. DiBona

8th Grade K-Z

Grade Level Incentives

Each grade level has identified an area of growth aligned to our Leman Values. Students are incentivized when they reach their target behavior and goals.

6th Grade is focused on positive interactions. They are working toward weekly and monthly incentives by earning lightning bolts each day their grade level goes without a physical altercation. Incentives were voted on by the 6th graders!

7th Grade is focused on respect in the classroom. They are working towards full class incentives by earning puzzles pieces to fill a lightning bolt display in the cafeteria.

8th Grade is focused on orderly transitions and getting to class on time. They are working toward weekly and monthly incentives every time they meet their goal.

Administration Interview Spotlight

Matthew Mordini, 7th Grade Dean

How many years have you been in education?

I have been in education for 9 years.

What is one interesting fact about yourself that someone may not know?

I lived in Las Vegas for 8 years and I collect presidential bobble heads.

What is one food you refuse to eat? What is one thing you eat often?

I refuse to eat sushi. I eat pepperoni pizza multiple times a week.

What do you love most about LMS?

I love all of the amazing resources that support the students and staff. I also love how involved the families are in school functions.

Thank you for reading! See you next month!

Maggie Lay


630.293.6060 x5201

Allison Moe

Student Services Coordinator

630.293.6060 x5207

Sarah Norton

Community School Coordinator

630.293.6060 x 5357

Anthony Hugelier

Sixth Grade Assistant Principal

630.293.6060 x5229

Carmela Getz

Sixth Grade Dean

630.293.6060 x 5377

Hannah Christie

Seventh Grade Assistant Principal

630.293.6060 x5209

Matthew Mordini

Seventh Grade Dean

630.293.6060 x 5211

Amie Correa

Eighth Grade Assistant Principal

630.293.6060 x5208

Jen Ross

Eighth Grade Dean

630.293.6060 x 5210