Welcome Back Students! 

                               2023-2024 school year

Sra. Luna

Please use the Google Classroom Links below to access your Grade level class:

AIM: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjE5MjIwNTQyMjEy  CLASS CODE: bppharb

Kindergarten: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjE5MjE3NTY1OTY3  class code: foysbs 

First Grade: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjE5MjE5OTYwNjI3  class code: kiv2yr5

Second Grade: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjE5MjE5MDE4OTg5 class code: vgv6zt7 

¡Hola! Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year at Daniel Webster School!

 Me llamo Señora Luna and I am very excited to be your Spanish Teacher! This is my 9th year teaching Spanish at Daniel Webster. Prior to coming to Weehawken, I taught Spanish for three years at a school in Jersey City.  In 2014, I completed my Master's Degree in Urban Education with Specialization in Spanish at New Jersey City University.

I am looking forward to meeting you and learning about all of your favorite things this year. 
