Future Saints

Pourquoi Take French Immersion?

Les étudiants du programme d'immersion vont explorer la langue française à un niveau avancé et en même temps, auront la chance de prendre leur cours de mathématiques et de sciences en anglais.

What students are saying about the program...

C'est une famille avec qui tu passes beaucoup de temps.

~ Caroline Alionte: 2020 French Immersion Graduate

Ne gaspillez pas votre temps, ça passe vite.

~ Chloe Crep : 2020 French Immersion Graduate

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for French Immersion?

Students in grade 8 currently attending a French Immersion or French-language elementary school.

What will students receive as a result of being in the French Immersion program?

Students will receive a certificate stating they completed a minimum of 10 courses where the language of instruction is in French (4 language courses and 6 others).

What is the DELF?

The DELF (Diplôme d'Études en Langue Française) is an official diploma awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify the French language competency of candidates from outside France.

The DELF is composed of four individual certificates that have been harmonized with the European standards corresponding to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

Examinations are independent, and candidates can register for the examination of their choice. Each examination evaluates the four communication skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking.

An average grade of 50 out of 100 points for each part of the exam is required to obtain the DELF A1, A2, B1 and B2 diplomas.https://www.alliance-francaise.ca/en/exams/diplomas/delf

Interested in more information about French Immersion?

If you are interested in additional information about the French Immersion program at Ste. Anne Catholic High School, feel free to contact kim_koekstat@wecdsb.on.ca or the Guidance Department.