Writing Contests

St. Anne's English Department hosts an annual Literary Laurels Contest. Students enter poems, short stories, scripts, poems, and non-fiction. Our judges review the submissions carefully to select first, second, and third place. Those who place first, move on to the O.E.C.T.A Writing Contest to compete across ours school board. Those that place first here will move to the Provincial Writing Contest. 

Our Saints have done extremely well locally and provincially! 

Congratulations to all of our Saint Writers who entered our 2023 Literary Laurels Writing Contest.  

We would like to thank each of you for taking the time to enter your work

This year's OECTA winners are as follows:

Junior Division

Short Story

1. Ian Mennell


1. Sadie Helgerman

2. Abigail Balkwill

3. Jack Schrey

Senior Division

Short Story

1. Emma Dufault

2. Santo Beninato

3. Karina Grgicak


1. Antonios Diab

2. Marian Shakir

3. Emma Dufault


1.Vanessa Tran

2. Antonios Diab


1. Noah Pullo

Special Congrats to Noah Pullo and Vanessa Tran who also placed FIRST at the Board Level! Congrats to you both!

Congratulations to all of our Saint Writers who entered our 2022 Literary Laurels Writing Contest.  

We would like to thank each of you for taking the time to enter your masterpiece.

This year's OECTA winners are as follows:

Junior Division


Senior Division

Short Story

1. Amy Ling 

2. Charlotte Vinten




1. Cullen Burke

Provincial Level WINNER- 2022

It's official! St. Anne's is once again the home to a provincial award-winning writer! 

Congratulations to Cullen Burke  who won First Place in the OECTA Writing Contest for his script. Cullen  competed against students from across Ontario. This  award is the OFSAA of writing!  Making this accomplishment even more special, is that this is the second time Cullen has won in this category. The first time was when he was in grade 10. Cullen, we are so proud of you and your accomplishments.

Congratulations to all of our Saint Writers for your 2021 entries to the Literary Laurels Writing Contest.  

We would like to thank each of you for taking the time to enter your writing

This year's OECTA winners are as follows:

Junior Division:


1 Marian Shakir

2.Grace Atkinson

3. Alivia Roberts


1. Emily Young

Senior Division

Short Story

1. Amy Ling - Local Winner

2. Charlotte Vinten

3. Isabelle Montgomery


1. Amy Ling

2. Isabelle Montgomery 

3. Sabrina Blasutto

Congratulations to all of our Saint Writers for the overwhelming amount of entries to our 2020 Literary Laurels Writing Contest.  

We would like to thank each of you for taking the time to enter your masterpiece. 

This year's school winners are as follows:

Junior Division:

Short Story 

1 Amy Ling

2.Charlotte Vinten


1. Sabrina Blasutto

2. David Dutkowski

Honourable Mention - Kortni Milson


1. Cullen Burke

Senior Division

Short Story

1. Ariana Nicola

2. Michela Lepera


1. Grace Hamelin

2. Dalya Ergun


1. Natasha Blasutto

2. Abbey Dufault

Provincial Level WINNERS, 2020

In 2020, two of our Saints won first place in Ontario for their creative writing. 

Cullen Burke won first place in Ontario for his original script.

Grace Hamelin won first place in Ontario for her original poem.

We are so proud of them! 

The English Department is an Exciting Place! 

In 2021, two of our talented writers, Giuliana Musso and Tatiana Cahur, won The Drive Magazine's Writing Contest for their essay. Their essays were published in the magazine and they both received a $500 scholarship.

Congratulations, Giulianna and Tatiana!

In 2020, one of Saints won a writing contest. Talented Gr. 12 student-author Grace Hamelin was featured in the March/April 2020 edition of The Drive Magazine. In addition to having her story published, Grace was also awarded a $500 scholarship from the WFCU.

 Congratulations, Grace!           

Ms. Lofaso, Principal, Congratulates Grace