Welcome to F. J. Brennan Health & Physical Education
The pursuit of excellence and healthy active living begins here!
The F.J. Brennan Physical Education Department strives to challenge each student to reach his or her maximum potential.
The courses of this department are designed to allow students to set their own level of aspiration and expand their skills for a more effective transition both into post secondary and onwards. The core components of physical education are:
Becoming an effective student, developing resiliency and a secure identity and sense of self.
Gaining knowledge that will enable them to enjoy being active and healthy throughout their lives.
Developing citizenship and leadership skills.
Improving the movement competence needed to participate in a range of physical activities.
Preparing for post secondary (scholarships, applications, life after high school)
Opportunity to specialize in Health and Wellness through our High Skills Major Program.
Double click to watch pickleball video
Double click to watch lacrosse skills
Double click to watch spike ball competition