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Join Sparx 

SparX Student Application Form (New Students Only)

SparX student interviews sign up Form (All New and Returning Students)


Sign up or reregister on FIRST (All students, parents and mentors)

Safety Form 

Attendance Link   

Become a Mentor:

Mentor application form

for Parents:

Parent Opportunities List Sign up       

SparX Parents Facebook 

In addition to the $80M in scholarships from FIRST,

 SparX offers many Skill Building Opportunities

The Challenge:

Six weeks to understand the challenge, define a winning strategy, specify the subsystem requirements, prototype alternative design concepts, select the design and CAD all the parts, integrate into the robot, write the software, build, test, debug the robot; while meeting the size, weight, cost and schedule requirements (just like real product delivery!)

three teens working with a piece of equipmennt

The Positions

Rewarding and Serious fun too!

Promotion 2020

FIRST Promotional poster slide show adapted for SparX Robotics

Gracious Professionalism is the way sparx works 

Chart explaining what Gracious Professionalism means within Sparx highlighting Respect, Responsibiility, Trustworthy, Considerate, Fairness and Leadership

Gracious Professionalism: Respect, Responsibility,Trustworthy, Considerate, Fairness, and Leadership: SparX Pillars graphic


To become a mentor we need a little information.

Sponsors &

We appreciate our
Sponsors and Donors

Webster Sparx is not alone

There are at least 20 teams in this area!