Testimontials For Arlene J. Sherman - I Am Your Recovery Coach

"What my recovery coach meant to me. I can sum it down to four words- she saved my life. The tools she taught me have helped me become a better person, husband, father. After using for 33 years, I have learned to love myself. I control me, that saying has helped me so much. October 7 I will have 90 days clean and counting. Thank you Arlene Sherman you are truly an angel from God. You are my hero!"

All of my love,

Tony C.

"Approximately 1 year ago I was introduced to Arlene Sherman through The Shores Treatment and Recovery Center. On top of my addiction to pain killers, I have been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and was suffering from chronic, physical stomach pain. Using Arlene's hypnotherapy and stress management techniques I learned about the mind body connection and how it's application can relieve my pain. I was also given a CD Arlene had created that specifically targets my gastrointestinal disease and advice on over the counter supplements to aid in this process. The CD taught me relaxation techniques to relieve the stress that was in turn negatively effecting my stomach. After approximately 3-5 hypnotherapy sessions with Arlene coupled with listening to her soundtrack in the evenings, my stomach pain was reduced to discomfort. This relief in turn reassured my belief in the ability to have power over my body with my thoughts. The discomfort turned to full relief soon after and not only have I been able to remain sober but for the last 9 months, I have not experienced any problems with my Crohn's Disease. Arlene is a God send! Her advice about nutrition, over the counter supplements, and especially her program of stress management and hypnotherapy exponentially helped my recovery and my overall quality of life. I am so thankful for what Arlene has been able to do in my life and I encourage everyone struggling with addiction or any chronic medical problems to see her!"

- Eric D.

"I am very fortunate to have met Arlene in October of 2010. I suffered from P.T.S.D. for over 10 years after the graphic suicide of my brother, Glen. I was medicated and I had 2 years of Psychiatrists/Psychologists attempting to help me to process this traumatic event, that one can only imagine. Unfortunately, their best efforts didn't work for me. Arlene was able to give me something that no professional could ever do before. That something was peace! To my amaze, Arlene guided me into my recovery, after only two sessions with her. As long as you are open minded, she can help you! These days i'm a very happy individual, thanks you you Arlene..."


Alan B.

"Arlene Sherman has helped me during a challenging time in my life. My recovery program began when the courts told me that I had to stop using cocaine, which opened my eyes, but being told that "I had to quit" made me dig in my heels. I did quit for some time, however, because I didn't want it enough, I relapsed. I finally reached out to Arlene when I truly felt I had enough of the insanity. Arlene cares; she has an extraordinary passion for recovery and incredible empathy for her clients and our challenges. She has helped me to finally believe that I can do this. Arlene's enthusiastic approach and her use of effective relaxation techniques has made me realize that I am stronger than I believed before; I am in control of my body and I can choose to respond daily stress in different, more positive ways. I am happier, stronger and I have a tremendous amount of hope for my future."

- Diana T.

"Arlene Sherman has impacted my life greatly by teaching me new coping skills to deal with life on life's terms. I'm forever grateful."

- Samantha D."

"While dealing with issues of my alcohol addiction, I received from Mr. Sherman invaluable techniques and strategies to deal with stress and other factors in my life. Her therapeutic and calming treatment has given me a sense of serenity that I never expected."

- Stacey W.

"Arlene has opened my eyes to how powerful the imagination can be and with training it, how anything can improve in your life. For me it was my cravings. Throughout our visits, she had me repeat "I control me", and from that we experienced how my mind won't wander and take control unless I allow it to."

- Alyssa A.

"I met with Arlene for help with panic attacks that I have suffered with since 1987. Arlene shared tips with me for both the mental and physical effects of a panic atack. Whenever I feel the onset of a panic attack, I quickly remember Arlene's tips and am able to stay in control. I have not experienced a panic attack since meeting with Arlene, I am truly grateful for her help!"

- Joanne K.

"I look forward to meeting with Arlene every week. I don't want to say that I was weak-minded before I met her, but after having weekly meetings with her, I feel that my mind is more focused, strong, and most importantly, I am in control of my brain. Her words and the view she has on life makes me have more concentration when I meditate. Arlene makes me feel so much more confident and not just believe but understand anything I can honestly set my mind to in life, I can go after and have."

- Jeffrey T.

"Through Arlene's calmness and wisdom, she has helped me with overcoming my addiction with alcohol and has made me honor my inner house."

- Alice R.

"It has truly been a blessing meeting Arlene. Throughout my life, I have had such a hard time quieting my brain and focusing on school and work. For a long time I was force to try different medications for my AD/HD and with each pill came feelings of depression and detachment. I decided that it was time to try something new and lucky for me, I met Arlene. My first hypnotherapy session left me breathless. When we were finished, I realized that I was able to slow my mind down myself. I ended up meeting Arlene 2 more times in the next 3 weeks. It's began getting easier and easier to calm myself down and focus on the things that I need to get done. I also was able to slow my mind down without feeling moody and changing my personality. Hypnotherapy has truly been an alternative form of medicine that has no side effects. I cannot thank Arlene enough!"

- N.M.

"Getting the opportunity to work with Arlene was one of the best experiences in my life. Her dedication to helping me fight panic attacks was amazing. It's been 6 months and with her exercises and help I feel the best that I have ever felt in my life. Thank you Arlene from my whole family. It's changed our lives. We will be forever gratefu!"

- J.R.

"I've been struggling with a lot of stress in my life and have been looking for ways to minimize it. It took only one time of listening to Arlene's CD for me to feel completely relaxed. As I followed her instructions, I experienced a calming stillness in and around me. I really felt like I was able to separate myself from the anxiety I feel and consider it from an objective point of view. This, in turn, made me feel more in control. I've since continued to practice relaxation using the CD as guidance and am learning to manage my stress."

- Abigail T.

"I first want to say that I'm doing great and thanks to you, I have had no panic attacks. I enjoyed my time spent with you and will treasure the gifts you have given for the rest of my life."

- Claire D.

"My name is Melinda Bloom and I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Arlene (while I was at Wellington Way Recovery (for a month)). I suffer from anxiety, panic attacks and seizures. Within the first two weeks I was there, I had 9 seizures and plenty of panic attacks. Sometimes they are what led me to have the seizures. Arlene began working with me on the panic attacks and seizures. I cannot even tell you what a difference it made in my life. We practiced breathing techniques and my thought processing as I would feel a seizure or panic attack coming on. I have never been taught how to relax and do deep breathing to calm my heartrate and change my thinking to avoid these panic attacks and seizures. Arlene's advice and techniques helped me and prevented me from having any more seizures or panic attacks for the rest of the time I was at Wellingotn Way. I couldn't believe it Arlene gave me one of her CD's when I was leaving and I listen to it often and practice what she taught me. To this day, I have not had another seizure or panic attack. Arlene taught me that every day, in every way, I am getting better!! And she is right. I would recommend Arlene to anyone suffering from any form of addiction or anxiety or even seizures."


Melinda B.

"I had the great fortune of meeting and receiving therapy with Arlene during my alcoholism rehabilitation in Florida. I had been in therapy before but no one's methods or approach had affected me so deeply and sincerly. Her directness combined with her sensitivity allowed me to accept my character flaws and embrace my true worth. Since my time in Florida, I refer to Arlene's' books frequently and recommend them to other addicts (and people that have relationships with addicts). I'm now miles away and by utilizing her CDs on relaxation and meditation, I continue my therapy. It's as if I were still in her comfy recliner with our white noise in the background. As I continue working on my sobriety I know I am not alone, my therapist and my friend is only a call away. Arlene is truly a godsend."

-Cary G., Charlotte, NC

"Arlene Sherman is YOUR addiction coach. This is more than a book. This is a proven playbook based on years of Arlene's experience to get you in recovery and keep you there! Arlene, in her practice, does what is difficult to find these days. She ALWAYS give her patients her BEST at all times. Now she has applied to page her best, so that you can too benefit.

Having worked along side Arlene in the same in-patient rehabilitation facility I saw first hand this remarkable woman in action. Time after time, patients related to me the benefits of their sessions with Arlene. Consistently patients would tell me that their time with Arlene was the most valuable sessions of their week. Not only did they have insights, the had PROGRESS!

Read this "playbook" like an athlete listens to their coach. An athlete wants what only a good coach can provide... Instruction, experience, expertise, and honesty to achieve their goals. A good coach is an advocate to the athlete and has expectations of the athlete to fulfill (even if the athlete doesn't want all of the work). A good coach will always give the athlete "The Real Dope". The goal of this partnership is living a vital life free of addiction. Be confident that Arlene's best you can life YOUR best!!! Live a fantastic life and remember to occasionally say "Thanks Coach"!"

- Dr. Helen G.