Ms Dewey - Room 12

Dewey Bit Moji Classroom

Weaver Middle School Website

Please visit the Weaver Website for the following information:

School Calendar, Bell Schedules, Aeries

Contact Miss Dewey

Phone: (209) 723 - 2174 Ext: 2212

Classroom Celebrations!

Celebrate our success in Distance Learning!

Week 8 and 9: Students of the Week!

Saliha Darr

Saliha is a great communicator who wants/like to learn. I appreciate her work ethic, and positive attitude. She is a wonderful student who maintains excellent grades. Thank you for being awesome Saliha! I appreciate you!

Karanpartap Singh

Karan has such a positive spirit and brings joy where ever goes. He has wonderful work ethic and is serious about his grades. I appreciate his hard work and the good grades that he has earned. He is a great role model for his fellow classmates. I appreciate you Karan! Great Job!

Fabian Logan

Fabian has wonderful work ethic and a positive spirit. He always makes those around him feel welcome and adds positivity to our class. I appreciate you Logan and and am so glad that you are my student. Keep up the good work Fabian, and keep being awesome!

Chloe Feliciano

Congratulations Chloe for improving you grades and staying on top fo your work! You are a model student and I am very proud of your hard work. Keep being Awesome

Antonio Gonzales

Antonio has done a great job coming to small group and communicating with Miss Dewey. He has wonderful work ethic and a joyful spirit that makes class fun. Thanks for being awesome Antonio! Keep up the good work!

Julian Espino

Julian is a great student who has excellent work ethic and is a great communicator. Thank you for all of your hard work! I appreciate you!

Manuel Garcia

Manny is an impressive student, holding a 4.0 GPA as well as being a great communicator in class and out. Keep up the good work Manny! I appreciate you!

Rylee Powell

Rylee has done an awesome job this year communicating with Miss Dewey and turning in quality work. He is a great role model for his classmates. Keep up the great work Rylee! I appreciate you!

Robert Puls

Robert is an active participant in class, helping to make it fun, as well as doing quality work. He is gifted in Math and is a great communicator. Thank you for being awesome Robert! You are a joy to have in class! I appreciate you!


Student on the Month

Thank you for being such an awesome role mode for you classmates! You participate in class, you are helpful, and you have turned in EVERY assignment! I appreciate all of you hard work! Keep it up! You are going places kid!

Week 4: Student of the Week!

Angadveer Sanghera

Angdy has been a model student, turnin in all of his assignments and coming to all Zoom Meetings! Well Done Angdeveer!

Jonathan Lopes

Jonathan has been a rock star! Turning in all of his work, helping Miss Dewey out, and participating in class! Well Done Jonathan! Keep up the good work!

Esteban Flores

Esteban has been an awersome student! He turns all of his assgiments, he participates in class and is always helpful! Well done Esteban!! Keep being a rockstar!

Week 3: Student of the Week!

Hailie Avery

Thank you for your wonderfully written email. I enjoyed reading it!

Lucie Andrade

If you are looking for a Notebook cover for inspiration, ask Lucie to show you hers. It is beautifully done! Well Done!

Citilaly Garcia Morales

Thank you for sharing a triumphant story about you! I enjoyed the detail you put into your telling!

Meet the Teacher

I am a new resident to Merced, and am coming to you from a small town called Oakhurst, Ca. I was raised in Oakhurst, graduated from Yosemite High school before moving to Santa Barbara on a softball scholarship. I completed two years of college before deciding to finish my education at Fresno State. Go DOGS! I received a bachelor's degree and my teaching credentials from Fresno State, and in 2018, I earned a Master's of Arts in STEM education from Fresno Pacific University. I enjoy teaching Math, Science and Robotics, and am very excited to join the WEAVER team! GO WILDCATS!

Follow me on Instagram @mission_stempossible for pictures of 2021/2022 Math activities.

If you think your 8th grade year was rough, my dad was my Teacher!! This is a picture of us at 8th grade Graduation.