Religious Education

Year 7



Year 8



Year 9

Morals, Ethics and Philosophy

Students can further consolidate their prior knowledge using these resources:

Year 10

Year 12

  1. The Good Place (Netflix)- the characters find themselves experiencing the afterlife and discussion often revolves around the very scholars / theories you will be covering for paper one and two.

  2. Gender and Theology: Jesus' Female Disciples: The New Evidence (Channel 4)- watch this documentary on 4OD.

  3. Crash Course Philosophy – all of these crash courses can be found on YouTube.

  4. The Bible Mini Series (Netflix)– our third paper requires biblical knowledge of stories. This is a great way to get to know the New Testament.

  5. Me Before You (Netflix)- covers the ethical debate behind Euthanasia, a topic we cover in applications for ethics.

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