The Cold War Museum project

Year 9, your mission:

  • You have been asked to design a new Cold War Museum.

  • You must complete a task every week.

  • You will design all the galleries and exhibits for the museum.

  • You will have to complete enough tasks to earn at least 50 points.

  • You must complete at least one task for every floor of the building.

  • You can work online (producing a PowerPoint or Word document to submit to your Google Classroom) or on paper (you can upload photos to your Google Classroom of your completed work).

  • Your information can come from either independent research or using work you have already completed on the Cold War in school.

Tasks to complete

To complete your mission, you need to achieve at least 50 points. You must complete at least one task from every floor.

Top Floor (15 points per task)

Option 1: Special Exhibit – The Cuban Missile Crisis

This was the closest the world came to Nuclear War.

Why did it begin?

What happened during the Crisis?

Why/How did the Crisis end?

Option 2: Special Exhibit - The Space Race

A key way the USA and USSR competed with each other was the Space Race – create a timeline of key events of the Space Race for display – ensure there are pictures and a link to at least 1 video that could be played in this exhibit room.

Option 3: Wax Museum

Choose ten people from the Cold War who played an important role. Who are they, why were they important? (This will be the information card displayed next to their waxwork).

Middle Floor (10 points per task)

Option 1: What is a Cold War?

Produce an information sheet explaining why the Cold War began and how it was different to previous wars (such as WW2).

Option 2: Spotlight on… the Berlin Wall

This room will focus entirely on the building of the wall and why it happened. It should also include the impact it had on German people.

Visitors want facts, an interactive quiz and a video to watch on the building of the wall.

Option 3: The Cold War’s impact on normal people

Create a display on either:

  • Jan Palach

  • Conrad Schumann

How did the Cold War affect them? Your display should include their image, their life and what serious action they committed.

Ground Floor (5 points per task)

Option 1: Design a Poster

Design a poster showing what the museum is about.

Option 2: Stock the Gift Shop

You have been asked to stock the gift shop of the Museum with 5 objects to do with Cold War. For example, a piece of the Berlin Wall! Give your 5 objects and explain why people would want to purchase them.

Option 3: Design a World Map

Design a world map that visitors would see in the entrance that details the main countries and events. Label the countries and include their flags.

How can I get to at least 50 points?

Look at this example…

5+5+10+10+15+15 = 60 points!

Your History Teacher has set up a Google Classroom where you can access all this information, get help and support and submit your completed project.

Click here to find your class code. You may be prompted to sign in with your School Google ID to access the list of class codes.