Welcome to Mr. Tremper's page for the 24-25 school year!
Select your course (listed below) to access Google Classroom codes, the course description, and other helpful information
Feel free to reach out via email with any questions.
Google Classroom Codes:
Pd 1 ajdxu53
Pd 2 bkxkbnx
Pd 8 tsox7ht
Course Description:
Through the study of World History all students will acquire the knowledge and skills to think analytically and systematically about how past interactions of people, cultures, and the environment affect issues across time and cultures. Such knowledge and skills enable students to make informed decisions as socially and ethically responsible world citizens in the 21st Century.
This course will help students to explore contemporary issues including technological innovation, economic interdependence, changes in population growth, migratory patterns, and the development, distribution, and use of natural resources. All students will acquire the skills needed to be active, informed citizens who value diversity and promote cultural understanding by working collaboratively to address the challenges that are inherent in living in an interconnected world.
The following eras will be focused on in this course:
Age of Revolutions (1750-1914)
A Half-Century of Crisis and Achievement (1900-1945)
The 20th Century Since 1945: Challenges for the Modern World
The 21st Century: Contemporary Issues.
Google Classroom Code:
Pd 4 wawfygf
Important Dates:
AP Test: Monday, May 5th, 2025
Course Description:
The study of European history since 1450 introduces students to cultural, economic, political, and social developments that played a fundamental role in shaping the world in which they live. Without this knowledge, we would all lack the context for understanding the development of contemporary institutions, the role of conflict and continuity in present-day society and politics, and the evolution of current forms of artistic express and intellectual discourse.
In addition to providing a basic narrative of events and movements, the goals of the AP program in European History are to develop (a) an understanding of some of the principal themes in modern European history, (b) an ability to analyze historical evidence, and (c) an ability to analyze and to express historical understanding in writing.
Students will be encouraged to take the AP European History exam given in May by the College Board.
Google Classroom Codes:
Pd 5 ro5hgsu
Pd 6 stmecqi
Course Description:
In today’s changing global community, students need to understand the complex environment in which all nations now interact. This course is designed to help you investigate and analyze intelligently the most pressing issues currently facing the United States and the world. Experiential in nature, Current World Issues is interdisciplinary with a focus on critical-thinking and problem solving.