
Classifying Polynomials

Upon completion of each step, check off/update scores in your progress tracker found in Google Classroom.

  1. Watch the video & take notes using the keyword suggestions.

  2. Should-Do Assignments:

  1. KA Polynomials Intro

  2. KA Classify polynomials based on terms

  3. KA Classify polynomials based on degrees

  4. KA Finding terms & coefficients of a polynomial

  1. Must-Do Assignments

      1. #239 Edia - 8.1.A

      2. #240 IXL Z.1

      3. #241 8.1.A Mastery Check

  2. Aspire to Do Assignment

      1. Classifying Polynomials Desmos Activity

Update Notebook - 8.1.A Classifying Polynomials

Key Words/Concepts - Monomial, Degree, Binomial, Trinomial, Polynomial, Standard Form of a Polynomial, Leading Coefficient, Constant, Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, Quartic, Quintic