
Article I. (Name)

Henceforth the name of this organization shall be the U32 Senior High School Student Council, here and after referred to as the Student Council or the Council.

Article II. (Purpose)

The purpose of this organization (see Article I) is to represent and support the students and, by extension, the community of the Washington Central Supervisory Union, through advocacy, communication, and leadership.

Article III. (Positions)

Advisor: A faculty affiliate overseeing the Student Council, with the intention of maintaining order and legality in the actions and decisions of the Council, as well as overseeing and approving official communications of the Council.

Members: Delegates from each grade will serve on the Council and its committees. The membership shall consist of up to four members per grade, with elections held at the spring before the coming session. Members are required to attend every meeting and function of the Council, unless excused by Officers prior to the meeting or event.

Removal from Council: A member can be removed from the Council by a majority vote. Any member can make a motion for the removal of another, this motion must be seconded. Grounds for removal include but are not limited to, unexcused absence, failure to meet responsibilities given by the Council, excessive tardiness, violation of school rules, lack of decorum during meetings, etc.

Officer Positions: Officers shall serve a year long term, starting in the second meeting of the session. The following are the officer positions of the U32 Student Council:

§ President (or co-presidents)

§ Vice President (or co-presidents)

§ Secretary (or co-secretaries)

§ Public Relations Officer

§ Treasurer

The responsibilities of the Officers are as follows:

President: Shall prepare an agenda for the meetings; represent the Council at school events involving Student Council, serve as the chair of the Council during meetings, attend necessary Administrative Leadership and faculty meetings, has the power to make necessary appointed positions within the Council’s committees, and when necessary, facilitate voting on Council matters. The role of President and Vice President can be turned into Co-Presidents at the time of election, by a majority vote of the general membership.

Vice President: To fill the role of the President in his/her absence.

Secretary: Keep an accurate and permanent record of the minutes of the Council, and will distribute the minutes electronically to the Council and external parties in a timely manner. The secretary is also responsible for recording attendance. The role of secretary can be turned into co-secretaries at the time of the election by a majority vote of the general membership.

Public Relations Officer: This person is responsible for the upkeep of the Student Council bulletin board, updating the Council’s column in the school announcements, and managing all social media accounts. This person will also serve as the head of the Public Relations Committee and will be responsible for organizing meetings.

Treasurer: This person will keep a running account of the Council’s finances, will check in with the U32 bookkeeper as needed, and will report out on finances monthly. The Treasurer is in charge of reimbursing any financial transactions relating to Student Council.

Article IV. (Decision Making)

U32 Student Council will attempt to make decisions by consensus and will fall back on simple majority when consensus cannot be reached. Any member may call the vote, but it must be seconded by a different member, and then facilitated by a President. The President has the power to postpone the vote if further discussion is necessary. Majority vote wins. If a member isn’t present at that meeting when a vote is called, they forfeit their right to vote on issues solely discussed at that meeting.

Article V. (Powers and Relationship to Administration)

The Council shall follow its purpose (see Article II) with the guidance and assistance of the Administration.

Article VI. (Structure and Committees)

Each member of the Council is required to hold a position on one of the committees (if there are at present more than one).

Committees are formed at the discretion of the President. Committees are responsible for meeting when necessary outside of the weekly Council meeting. This time may be denoted during the weekly Council meeting, however it is not guaranteed.

Article VII. (Meeting)

The Council will meet once a week, unless agreed upon by a vote. The meeting day and time will be decided in the beginning of the school year, and will recur unless otherwise stated. The meeting time, date, and agenda will be posted at least 10 hours in advance of the meeting.

Article VIII. (Amendment and Ratification)

Ratification of these bylaws is confirmed by a simple majority. Amendments to the bylaws shall be ratified by a two-thirds majority.

Unanimously adopted February 22, 2017