

Periods shouldn't hurt!

In the United States many people with uteruses suffer from period pain that they assume is normal. ALTHOUGH MILD DISCOMFORT DURING YOUR CYCLE CAN BE NORMAL, YOUR PERIOD SHOULD NOT BE PAINFUL! One cause of cramps is misalignment of the uterus. The uterus is suspended by ligaments, and when your uterus is misaligned (Leaning too far forward, back, left, right, or too low), some ligaments have to do more work than others to hold it in place, causing them to contract. If the uterus is aligned in the pelvis, it can relieve cramps caused by misalignment of the uterus. 

However this is not the only reason for cramps. Some other factors include: diet, stress, environment, chemicals, drugs, alcohol, hormone imbalances etc.....


Your cycle can impact you in ways other than your period

Do you ever feel more emotional, sad, or introverted during your period? This can actually be because of the hormones that occur throughout your cycle. Hormones are the messengers of the body, they communicate to cells what to do. These hormones can affect blood sugar, blood pressure, sleep, and even the way we think. The menstrual cycle is greatly impacted by four main hormones (Estrogen, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, and progesterone). 

Estrogen: Estrogen is a steroid hormone produced mainly in ovaries but also in testes, adrenal glands, and fat tissue. Estrogen is present in male bodies, however there is less of it. This hormone can effect puberty, menstrual cycles, and the uterine lining. There are three types of estrogen: estrone, estradiol, and estriol. In addition to affecting the menstrual cycle greatly, estrogen also impacts the heart, bones, breasts, skin, hair, urinary tract, blood vessels, mucous membranes pelvic muscles, the brain, and the reproductive tract. 

Luteinizing Hormone: This hormone affects eggs, helping both in triggering ovulation, and maturing the egg. 

Follicle Stimulating Hormone: This hormone also affects eggs, simulating their growth in the ovaries. Additionally follicle stimulating hormones affect the menstrual cycle and in men, sperm production. 

Progesterone: It affects the menstrual cycle as well as parts of pregnancy. This hormone is produced during the second half of the menstrual cycle in case the egg is fertilized. If pregnancy does not occur, the progesterone ceases being produced and the next menstrual cycle begins. If pregnancy does occur, progesterone plays an important role in preparing the body for labor as well as helping the growing fetus. 

The Stages of the Menstrual Cycle


Cervical mucus changes during different phases of the menstrual cycle:

*Ovulation: It usually happens in the middle of your cycle (usually around day 14 of a 28 day cycle and opposite from when you menstruate). Ovulation is the process in which the egg is released from the ovaries and moves down the fallopian tubes. 

Did You Know?

Brown blood at the beginning of a period is old blood left over from the last cycle. If it's at the end of the period, it's old blood from many cycles before.

Period Poverty

Period poverty is when people struggle to purchase the period supplies that they need, because of lack of income. Period poverty is worsened by the tampon tax.

Tampon Tax

Did you know that as of October 31, 2023, twenty-one states in the U.S. charge sales tax on period products?

In comparison, "33 states (plus Washington D.C.) exempt food from their general sales tax and 5 states tax food at a lower rate than other goods because people understand food is a basic necessity." - Alliance for Period Supplies

 The tampon tax is yet another way that misogyny presents itself in society.

Sustainable Period Products

Disposable tampons and pads are not very environmentally-friendly because they create a lot of waste (many commercial period products also contain harmful chemicals, some of which can be toxic - so make sure to check what your period products are made of!). Here are some ecofriendly period product options to try,

(But remember: comfort, convenience and empowerment are the most important for you to consider with your period. Don't use period products that are uncomfortable for you just because you want to be more eco-friendly. There are plenty of other ways you can take care of the environment and be a climate activist!)

Menstrual Cups:

A menstrual cup is an internal period product like a tampon, except is is a reusable cup that you usually can wear for up to 12 hours. Many companies sell menstrual cups, for example the Diva Cup, the Flex Cup, and the Lunette Menstrual Cup.

Period Underwear:

This environmentally-friendly alternative to pads is period underwear, which are made with a built-in, absorbent fabric pad. Check out Thinx's period underwear and sleep shorts!

Reusable Pads:

These fabric, washable pads are a reusable and effective alternative to disposable pads. Try out GladRags, or The Period Company.