

Our published poetry collection:

Where I'm From ~ 2019

Excerpts from "Where I'm From" by Ellen

I am from family. I am from my Mom’s hugs - A warm and safe space. I am from music and education - I am from Hey look a chicken! From Be kind to others, even if you hate them.

I am from the colorful trees Of the Green Mountain State, and The smell of spring in the air. I am from people Who want to do good. From friends who care about me, From thinking about others before myself. I am from those moments, That make me who I am.

Excerpts from "Where I'm From" by Natasha

Where I am from is Vermont. I am from getting bullied, But overcoming all of that Into who I am now. That’s a better person, I think I could ever be.

Where I am from is my beautiful Mom and my Dad Who have always helped me through difficulties

That I couldn’t explain Even if I wanted to.

Excerpts from "Where I'm From" by Alan Perkins

I’m from singing hymns standing up on my motorcycle at 60 mph in Navajo Country, from canoeing in Algonquin Provincial Park in North Bay, Ontario from sailing in the Bermuda Triangle in the moonlight with dolphins singing on each side of me from that first moment of lift on my first solo flight and my close call with a tree I’m from the first morning sunshine, flying over Pennsylvania farmland, tiny cows going out to pasture, ladies hanging laundry…

I’m from Thompson Senior Center I’m from maple syrup on vanilla ice cream and Spirit of Life, Come Unto Me and supporting the wisdom of youth.

"Where I'm From" by Wyatt

I am from wrist watch alarms I am from the sugar bush As I memorize the beauty of the red fall I am from Little Averril - The calling of the night loons and The waves crashing in the morning.

I am from a baseball mitt From Memphis and Mark

I’m from the team family ... Joking endlessly. I’m from Boys stop blanking around! And We Are Woodstock!

I am from Mao Meadow And going to Memmare and Peppare’s Venison burgers and homemade fries.

From missed bucks and giant long beards. I am from those moments … of evening sugar bush lightings.

Excerpts from "Where I'm From" by Jane Soule

I am from family from playing and friendship and traveling I am from the front porch, tea parties, and playing dolls and quiet I am from woods and playground ball games Walking breezes and blue skies.

I am from cooking theater and creating From grandma, Pollie, & Pauly I am from teams knitting groups From hot ziggity dog and sneezeringtum I am from Go team you’re the best!

Excerpts from "Where I'm From" by Gavin

I'm from Anor Londo A place that holds a devourer of gods. I think of Pontiff Sulyvahn and his Fire Greatswords. It brightens up the Night And sends goosebumps down Your spine.

I'm from the 10 oz salmon With the glaze and rice. I'm from determination From the field to the video games.

Excepts from "Where I'm From" by Carol Towne

I'm from traditions Like Thanksgiving dinner Family outings Sunday drives during WWII Coupons were Necessary for Sugar, tires and gasoline.

Aunts from the city Sending cloth so My mother could Sew clothes for myself And my two sisters And many more Memories and moments…