Learning Outcomes

Portrait Of A Graduate Criteria

Self Direction:

Students asked a driving question and planned their learning experience. They persevered through an ongoing process of success and failure, confusion and clarity.

Critical Problem Solving:

Students organized and problem solved to interview veterans. They acted on creative ideas and made tangible and valuable contributions to problems large and small.

Skillful Communication:

Students practiced the art of crafting questions and interviewing. They articulated thoughts and ideas effectively during class, the interviews, and the presentation.


Students presented their work at a gathering of veterans, their families, and our school community. They acted with empathy and care for others throughout the project to create a meaningful experience for all.

Academic Excellence:

Students drafted, revised, edited, and published meaningful and detailed thank you letters. They practiced accessing information from the interviews efficiently and effectively.

This project followed a semester of writing instruction tied into Laura Hillenbrand's book, "Unbroken."

We followed the "From Talking To Writing" curriculum by T.M. Jennings and C.W. Haynes.