Library Orientation

why use the library?

Use Computers: Computers can be used for homework, classwork, research, online classes, and more.

Use materials and supplies: There are plenty of color pencils, paper, glue, scissors, construction paper, butcher paper and more for projects and school related work. 

Media Center Hours

The media center is open from 7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  

You can use the media center before or after school and during lunches.

How can we help you?

To print: Share any document from google drive or email Ms. Dashler or Mrs. Raborn at or Black and white prints are free and color copies are .20.

To purchase: Posterboards are for sale for .50. See Mrs. Dashler or Mrs. Raborn for posterboard. 

HOw to check out a book

To checkout books:

You may select any book on the shelf to check out. Please see Mrs. Raborn, Mrs. Dashler or a media intern, located at the circulation desk in the media center. You may check out 2 books at a time for 2 weeks at a time. After 2 weeks you may renew twice. To return books please place them in the green check in basket on the circulation desk or give them to Mrs. Raborn or Mrs. Dashler.

media center Book REquest

How to use ebooks and online book search

Please see the following video on how to search for books in the library and also checkout and use ebooks from Destiny Discover

Access Ebook Library at CCHS.webm