Past Shows

Grease - Spring 2024

An American classic comes to RCK - Tell me more, tell me more!

“Here is Rydell High's senior class of 1959: duck-tailed, hot-rodding ”T-Birds" and their gum-snapping, hip-shaking "Pink Ladies" in bobby sox and pedal pushers, evoking the look and sound of the 1950s in this rollicking musical. Head "greaser" Danny Zuko and new (good) girl Sandy Dumbrowski try to relive the high romance of their "Summer Nights" as the rest of the gang sings and dances its way through such songs as "Greased Lightnin'," "It's Raining on Prom Night," "Alone at the Drive-In Movie" recalling the music of Buddy Holly, Little Richard, and Elvis Presley that became the soundtrack of a generation." -

Romeo & Juliet: A Tale that Transcends Time

The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is one of William Shakespeare’s earliest plays about a romance between two youths from feuding families. Romeo is a Montague, and Juliet is a Capulet. Their families are part of an age old feud, whom no one seems to know the reason behind. When lovesick Romeo is encouraged by his cousin Benvolio and friend Mercutio to crash a Capulet party, he has no idea that he is going to meet someone who will change the course of his life. Juliet and Romeo meet at the party, quickly falling in love and soon after deciding to get married. With the hope that their love will end the two families’ raging feud, Friar Laurence agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet. Everything that follows after is what makes this story the most excellent and lamentable tragedy that it is.

After reading a portion of the play in the spring of 2023, Masque and Mime students discovered that while the language is very different from how we speak today, many of the themes are incredibly prevalent and easy to relate to, regardless of age. 

In our version of Romeo and Juliet, the play introduces two modern day high school students, Ro and Jett, as they study the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. With beautiful classical costumes, bold character choices, exciting music, and a healthy dose of modern twists mixed in, this show is sure to keep the audience engaged and interested.