Ms. Plassmann
VanWyck JHS
Science 8
Team Yellow
Welcome to my home page! If you are in my class, I have already added you to my Google Classroom, or emailed your invite. You should sign in daily according to your class schedule for our daily lessons. I'm looking forward to seeing you there!!
(See below for your Course Guidelines)
Here are the Course Guidelines for Science 8
Physical with Earth Science
Course S241
Ms. Plassmann’s
Course Guidelines
Dear Parents and/or Guardians,
Welcome back from your summer slumber! I hope you are as excited for the new school year as I am. The text we will be using are Reviewing Intermediate Level Science by AMSCO publications.
This year’s science course is very different from the science that you studied last year. It will be a combination of Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, as well as Biology Review. Chemistry is the study of matter and its characteristic properties. Physics is the relationship that exists between matter and energy. Earth Science includes all processes that affect Earth’s land, air and water. All of these subjects include the study of matter and its relationship to different forms of energy.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time throughout the school year at the school (227-1700 ext 20151) or email me anytime at which is the preferred method of communication. I look forward to working with you and your student this year. Science Rocks!!
Colette Plassmann
Course Outline
Unit 1 – Metric System and Measurements and Density
Unit 2 – Earth Science:
- Earth’s Surface
- Forces that Change Earth’s Surface
- Weather and Climate
- Astronomy
Unit 3 – Chemistry
- Matter
Unit 4– Physics:
- Heat
- Magnetism and Electricity
- Energy
- Motion and Machines
Unit 5 – ILS Exam Review
Unit 6 – Extension Project
Tests and Quizzes (may be unannounced) 25%
Class/homework Assignments 25%
Graded Labs 25%
Class Participation and Contribution to Learning Environment 25%
Student Responsibilities
Be in class on time. You are late if you are not in your seat with your notebook out and ready to start work when the second bell rings.
Come prepared for class and lab. That means do reading and/or prelab assignments before you come to class.
Have an up to date and organized notebook, it will be checked and graded quarterly.
Have a complete and acceptable lab portfolio. (This will be kept in class)
Make up work – when you are absent, I expect work to be made up with few exceptions. You are responsible to ask me for the work missed.
Classroom Citizenship
You are expected to respect and treat every person in the class fairly and courteously.
Raise your hand if you have a question or comment, do not interrupt by shouting out.
Do not leave your seat or talk without permission, unless there is an emergency.
You will leave your desk clean and clear, especially after labs.
Remember that the bell does not dismiss you, the teacher does… (so be sure your equipment is in the proper places by the end of class).
Supplies (You Should Have These Every Day)
2 Pens, 2 Pencils (MUST be #2), spiral notebook for notes, large three ring binder
(to fit spiral notebook and handouts), scientific calculator, colored pencils, your lab book, and text book.
Student’s Signature________________________________
Parent’s Signature_________________________________
Here are the Course Guidelines for
Regents Earth Science:
Regents Earth Science
Course S361JR
Ms. Plassmann’s
Course Guidelines
Dear Parents and/or Guardians,
The text we will use The Reviewing Earth Science Physical Setting (Third Edition) by Thomas McGuire. Please go over the guidelines below with your child. This year’s science course is an inquiry-oriented approach to the study of Earth Science. Earth Science is an interdisciplinary science that includes:
Geology – the study of the solid Earth
Meteorology – the study of Earth’s atmosphere
Astronomy – the study of Earth in space
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time throughout the school year at the school (227-1700 ext 20151) or email me anytime at which is the preferred method of communication. I look forward to working with you and your student this year. Science Rocks!!
Colette Plassmann
Course Outline
PROLOGUE – Scientific Measurement
Unit 1 – Dimensions of Earth
Unit 2 – Minerals, Rocks, and Resources
Unit 3 – Dynamic Crust
Unit 4 – Surface Processes and Landscapes
Unit 5 – Earth’s History
Unit 6 – Properties of the Atmosphere
Unit 7 – Meteorology
Unit 8 – The Water Cycle and Climates
Unit 9 – Earth in Space
Unit 10 – Beyond Planet Earth
Unit 11 – Stewardship of Our Planet
Tests and Quizzes (may be unannounced) 25%
Class/homework Assignments 25%
Graded Labs (You need 30 hours of lab work for Regents Exam) 25%
Class Participation and Contribution to Learning Environment 25%
Student Responsibilities
Be in class on time. You are late if you are not in your seat with your notebook out and ready to start work when the second bell rings.
Come prepared for class and lab. That means do reading and/or prelab assignments before you come to class.
Have an up to date and organized notebook, it will be checked and graded quarterly.
Have a complete and acceptable lab portfolio. (This will be kept in class)
Make up work – when you are absent, I expect work to be made up with few exceptions. You are responsible to ask me for the work missed.
Classroom Citizenship
You are expected to respect and treat every person in the class fairly and courteously.
Raise your hand if you have a question or comment, do not interrupt by shouting out.
Do not leave your seat or talk without permission, unless there is an emergency.
You will leave your desk clean and clear, especially after labs.
Remember that the bell does not dismiss you, the teacher does… (so be sure your equipment is in the proper places by the end of class).
Supplies (You Should Have These Every Day)
2 Pens, 2 Pencils (MUST be #2), spiral notebook for notes, large three ring binder
(to fit spiral notebook and handouts), scientific calculator, colored pencils, your lab book, and text book.
Student’s Signature________________________________
Parent’s Signature_________________________________