Reading Strategies

Reading Strategies

Reading For Meaning

Check for meaning by asking these questions:

1. Wait 5-10 sec. to see what attempts are made; Then ask: "What would make sense there?"

2. If the attempt is wrong ask: "Did that make sense?"

3. Check the picture.

4. What happened in the story when _____ ?

What's that word?

When your child comes to a word they don't know, try some of these clues instead of giving them the word right away:

1. Did that sound right?

2. What sound/letter does it start with?

3. What would you expect to see at the beginning, middle, and end?

4. Point to the word.

5. Can you find _____ ?

6. Skip the word and continue reading to the end of the sentence, then Go Back and read that sentence again.

7. Cover the ending (-ed, -ing) with your finger and ask the child to try the word.

8. Say, "Can you see a part that you know in that word?"


It is important that your child should learn to check himself/herself as he/she is reading. Here are some suggestions to encourage self-checking:

1. Why did you stop?

2. Can you find the tricky part?

3. Try that again.

4. Are you right?

5. How do you know?

It is important that children learn to use these strategies independently. When your child "figures out" a word, you might ask how he/she did it. Telling about their reading work helps to reinforce learning. Always praise their effort, "Yes, that is what Good Readers Do!!!"