Welcome to Mr. Tinter's School Social Work Page!
What do School Social Workers Do?
HI Everyone! l'd like to take this moment to share with you the many ways that School Social Workers help and work with students. School Social Workers address many different concerns such as: peer conflicts, , self-advocacy, social emotional development, learning about feelings and how they impact students throughout the school day, assist students in being reflective about choices and behaviors, work on skills for mindfulness, and reinforce our "other people matter" theme with the Positivity Project. I meet with students on both an individual or small group as well as push into classrooms to assist teachers and students with school functionality during academics.
Lastly I can provide information about resources, consult with parents about behavior and make referrals to outside support systems.
Office hours During COVID 19 Extended School Closure. I am available everyday from 9-10am at the following link. If you need to check in, change an appointment time, schedule an appointment time, having a challenge, etc. please come see me during office hours. https://meet.google.com/xpe-sbcf-bzy
I am so proud to be a grizzly! If there is something you don't find here please contact me I'm here to assist our students and families in whatever way we can because we are "grizzly strong"

Letter Sent to all Parents