Teaching Philosophy

"The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught as that every child should be given the wish to learn. " -John Lubbock

*** I am looking forward to working with the incoming sixth grade students, and molding them into respectful, hardworking, and kind adolescents. My goal is to instill a love for reading and writing in my students. I have a passion for teaching and interacting with my "unique" 6TH graders!

*** Students will learn and cultivate the life skills needed to be successful later in life. They will collaborate with one another all year; and immerse themselves in reading book clubs, Socratic Seminars, and deliberations. This year students will enhance their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills to become a more well-rounded

***Lastly, I'm excited to get to know my students as individuals this upcoming school year! You'll be pushed in my classroom, and I have high expectations. However, with hard work and discipline, you'll be amazed at the growth you'll make over the course of the year. And that's what life is about; growing as an individual!

It will be a wonderful year filled with fun memories and new friends; a year that you'll always remember!

FYI...these photos are a few years old now!!!