Sixth Grade

Not quite elementary, not quite junior high...

Sixth grade music is a combination of expanding on skills learned in previous years, as well as incorporating higher level thinking skills about music. This is done through individual and group projects throughout the year. Students will be expected to put forth their best effort in each project and keep and open mind.

***For music learning from home ideas, please see the videos and links below.

George Gershwin, famous American composer, wrote the music in this cartoon. Check it out.

Here is a live performance of Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue. Watch it, and then write 2-4 paragraphs about which performance you liked more, the cartoon above, or this one, and why you preferred it.

Fishkill Plains Elementary Learning Plan

During Prolonged School Closure

Music: Fifth Grade and Sixth Grade

Directions: Please use the following prompts to discuss music and music activities on your own or with a family member. Don’t forget to use your singing voice and dance while you work! Have fun!

1.Think of a song that means something to you. Maybe it’s the one you listen to when you’re feeling sad, or angry. Maybe it’s the song you think of when you think of a specific holiday (perhaps Christmas?). Write 2 -4 paragraphs about why that song has meaning to you.

2. Using items from around your house (examples: toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls, rubberbands, string, pots and pans) create a musical instrument. After creating your instrument, play along with one of your favorite songs.

3. Take your favorite character from a book or movie, and write your own “theme song” for that character. Feel free to use a melody you already know, (like “Happy Birthday” or the “Star Wars theme”) but change the lyrics to create the song for your character.

4. Choose one of the composers we have learned about so far this year in music. Make a slide show 8 - 10 slides long about that composer. Be sure to include information about their life, their music, and their impact on music today (why are we still talking about this composer?).

5. Think about musicians in your house and Interview them. Does anyone in your house play an instrument? Does anyone else that you know play an instrument? What instruments do they play? How long have they played these instruments? Why did they choose these instruments? Did anyone that you know play an instrument for a while and then stop playing?

6. Our current composer of the month is George Gershwin. Research another jazz artist or composer and create a slide show of 6-10 slides about that musician. Be sure to include information about their life, their music, etc.

Watch this carpool karaoke video of James Corden with Paul McCartney. Write me 2-4 paragraphs as to whether or not you think this is still "good music".

Have fun playing this music note-learning game!

Watch this video of Riverdance. Write 2-4 paragraphs giving me your opinion of Irish dance.