If Schools are Closed

Hi! We will miss you while we are not in school. While you are home, please keep up with your math and ELA skills. If you do not have internet access at home, you can pick up a packet at school. Here are activities for you to do:

Log on to Google Classroom- ELA class and Math class. There are a few weeks worth of work there. Each day please engage in the ELA and Math activities. There is a calendar for both ELA and Math to help make it easier to follow.

You can view the calendars here: Math Calendar ELA Calendar

*Login: classroom.google.com

Login information:

username- firstname.lastname@k12.wcsdny.org

password- FirstnameID# (make sure first letter is capitalized, no spaces)

Log on to iReady and do lessons.


username and password are the same: FirstinitialIDLastinitial (initials are capitalized) ex/E38899M

click on NY in the drop down


Here are additional math websites CLICK HERE

Check out our Math Workshop Links and Other Math Links here on our teacher website for help with skills and practice/games.

**If you have any questions, you can reach out to us through email.

For Physical Education please go to: https://www.wappingersschools.org/Page/31122

FOR MUSIC & CHORUS WITH MRS. BANDA, PLEASE GO TO: https://www.wappingersschools.org/Page/31118

FOR MUSIC & CHORUS WITH MRS. AMATO, PLEASE GO TO: https://www.wappingersschools.org/Page/31117