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Genetic Engineering Online Lab

Directions: Today, you will be using the internet to simulate some of the genetic engineering techniques that have been discussed in class. Carefully follow the instructions below and pace yourself to make sure you have enough time to get everything done. You will have two lab periods to finish this activity.

NOTE: shared work will result in a shared grade, split between ALL those involved in copying.

1. DNA extraction virtual lab

a. Go to

b. Click on “Start Lab”

c. Click “next” after reading the text on each page and answering the corresponding

questions on your worksheet, under “DNA Extraction”

2. Gel electrophoresis virtual lab

a. Go to

b. Click on “Forward”

c. Click “Forward” after reading the text on each page and answering the corresponding

questions on your worksheet, under, under “Electrophoresis.”

3. Recombinant DNA technology simulation

a. Go to

b. Click the right arrow keys after reading the text on each page and answering the corresponding

questions on your worksheet, under “Recombinant DNA.”

4. Cloning simulation and information

a. Go to

b. This section goes along with the first two questions.

c. Go to

d. You will create your own mouse clone and answer questions.

e. Go to

f. Answer cloning questions #14 & #15.

5. Extra time? Try some of these out for additional points.

- Uses of G.E. products

* Write a small summary of the uses of biotechnology in each field listed.

- Clone or not? game

* Write your answers to the questions on the back of this worksheet or a separate piece of paper.

- Consider buying your favorite loved one (or teacher!) a giant microbe