College Entrance Exams

Students who are considering even possibly attending a four year college should consider taking one of the following exams. Most students in our area take the SAT, but the ACT is also gaining popularity and will be viewed as an equivilant test for college entrance. Students may choose the test that is right for them.


Create your College Board account and register for the SAT here:

CollegeBoard Registration Link (You may already have an account from viewing PSAT scores or AP registration and/or score retrieval)

Most students take the SAT more than one time, usually 2-3, so plan out which tests you will take. You will be applying to College in the Fall of 12th grade, so it might be best to take them any time you can before the Fall of next year.


Create your ACT account and register for the ACT here:

ACT Registration Link

Some students take the ACT if they find that the SAT is not a good fit for them as a test taker. The format, sections, and timing are different than the SAT. You do not need to take both tests. Colleges accept either the SAT or the ACT equally as admission tests. You choose the test that works best for you.

Test Preparation Resources

Wappingers Continuing Education

Khan Academy

Sometimes students and families feel the need to receive private or small group services. Many people find these on their own, but if you are not able to find someone, reach out to your counselor and they may have some suggestions.