
Spanish Class Supply List 2022-2023

Every student will need to have the following items:

Your Chromebook - charged for class every day! 

Earbuds (to be kept in your Chromebook case)

A 1.5" three ring binder (A 2" binder can be shared with another subject)

A set of dividers to be labeled as follows:

1. Apuntes (Notes/Vocabulary) (<-- this section should be filled with loose-leaf)

2. Tarea (Do Nows/Classwork/Worksheets)

3. Pruebas/Exámenes (Quizzes/Tests)

*Please do not use FOLDERS for my class

Several pens (blue or black ink only), #2 pencils* (with erasers) and highlighters. 

 Pens/pencils, whichever you prefer

The following items to be kept at home for projects:

Markers, crayons OR colored pencils, glue, scissors, blank printer paper, etc. 

The following classroom donation items for use by students are optional but much appreciated:

A small box of tissues and a small hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes

I look forward to working with you this year!