Join Zoo Scout Marina on a bioblitz in Brooklyn!

Tag along with Marina while she explores marine life in Brooklyn Bridge Park. Marina is headed to the intertidal zone, the place where the ocean meets the land. What types of living things do you think she'll find?

First things first, Zoo Scout! Before you head out with Marina to the intertidal zone, you should see this official Zoo Scout training video.

Click play for an introduction to tide pools!

Now that you know a little more about tide pools, it's time to start the bioblitz. Click the green flag to begin!

Click on all the tide pool creatures that you can find! Once you have located all 10, press the space bar to finish!

Great work, Zoo Scout! There still are many more critters waiting to be counted in Brooklyn. Are you up for the challenge? Marina has given you these tools that will help.

1. High-Tide Guide and Scavenger Hunt

This guide will tell you all about the plants and animals that can be found in the Brooklyn Bridge Park Tide Pools during high tide! It has fun facts about the wildlife you can find there, and even gives you some helpful hints about where in a tide pool you can find them all! Make sure to bring it with you when you go on your bioblitz!

What Can You Spot in a Tide Pool_- Scavenger Hunt Key.pdf

2. Underwater Viewer

There is a wide array of sea life that rests in the intertidal zone! The intertidal zone, or mid-tide, is the area where the ocean meets the shore between high and low tides. Are you ready to discover these creatures for yourself? Give it a try with this craft!

3. Mid-Tide Guide

See if you can spot these amazing creatures using your D.I.Y. underwater viewer at Brooklyn Bridge Park or other areas in the Brooklyn borough! How many creatures can you spot?

Brooklyn Mid-Tide Guide.pdf

Great work, Zoo Scouts

You’ve braved the beaches of Brooklyn! Brilliant!


limited edition

Pin this patch on your Zoo Scout uniform and always remember the tide pools friends you met in this borough

full patch: 25% complete!

Continue your Quest!