Varsity Letter E

Earn a Varsity Letter in Reading

To emphasize the importance of reading, E.B. Stanley Middle School students may earn an academic letter by participating in the Varsity Reading Program. A script letter E, B, or S, will be awarded at the end of the school year upon completion of the criteria outlined below. A script E, will be presented at the end of the sixth grade, a script B at the end of the seventh grade, and a script S at the end of eighth grade.

Criteria for earning a Varsity Letter

1. Read 10 books (fiction or nonfiction) and complete 10 projects.

2. Create a poster encouraging other students to read/earn the academic letter in reading.

3. Have/get a public library card.

4. Present one “book talk” to a class.

5. Create a display promoting a book to be placed in the school library. Design a poster to advertise your book. Be creative. Use detail. Use color. Can you make it 3-­D or movable?

Varsity Letter Project Options

Choose 10 projects. You cannot repeat a project.

If you would like to do something that is not listed, check with your English teacher.

1. Do a costumed presentation of your book. Dress as either the author or one of the characters.

2. Write a new conclusion to the book.

3. Make a new jacket with an original blurb.

4. Find a song or a poem that relates to the theme of your books. Explain the similarities.

5. Draw a comic book, complete with conversations, showing an exciting moment from your book.

6. Make a “Wanted” poster for one of the characters in your book. Include the following: a) a drawing or picture of the character, b) a physical description of the character, c) the character’s misdeeds, d) other information about the character which is important, and e) the reward offered for the capture of the character.

7. Complete a series of five drawings to show five major events of the plot. Write captions for each drawing so the illustrations can be understood by someone who has not read the book.

8. Make a test for your book. Include 5 true-­false, 5 multiple choice, and 5 short answer essay questions. Provide the answers for your questions as well.

9. You are a prosecuting attorney putting one of the characters from the book on trial for a crime or misdeed. Prepare your case on paper, giving all of your arguments.

10.Create a board game based on events and characters in the book. By playing your game, members of the class should learn what happened in the book. Your game must include the following: a game board, a rule sheet and clear directions.

11.Write a letter to the author and explain how you feel about the book. What questions do you have for the author?

12.Make a colorful map of the setting of the book with locations of important events marked with captioned symbols.

13.Write a paragraph about the title of your book. Is it appropriate? Why or why not?

14.Pretend you are the teacher preparing to read your book with the class. Create 5 journal prompts your class would find engaging.

15.Write a paragraph describing the problem or conflict of the main character. Tell how the conflict was or was not resolved.

16.Research the geographical setting of your story. Write a one page report including an explanation as to why this setting was important to the story.

17.Create a movie trailer for your book using iMovie or a similar program.

18.Create a collage. The images should represent either a character or the theme of your book.

19.Send a character a greeting card. Make a card and include pictures and words on the front. The inside of the card should include a greeting or saying and also a personal note to the character. The back of your card should have the logo, the publisher and the price of the card.

20.Use Glogster to create an online poster about your book.

21.Create a novel soundtrack. Choose a minimum of 10 songs that represent the characters, setting, themes, plotline, etc. of your novel.

22.Construct a diorama (three-­dimensional scene which includes models of people, buildings, plants, and animals) of one of the main events of the book. Include a written description of the scene.

23.Create a sculpture of a character. Use any combination of soap, wood, clay, sticks, wire, stones, old toy pieces, or any other object. An explanation of how this character fits into the book should accompany the sculpture.

24. Make a mobile about the story.

25. Ask permission from one of your teachers to do a classroom bulletin board.

26. Rewrite the story as a picture book. Use simple vocabulary so that it may be enjoyed by younger students.