12 Months of G00gle

This program will expose you to 12 of Google's best tools to use in your classroom. Each month will provide a new topic as well as the training necessary to understand it. Happy sailing as you learn to work smarter, not harder.

July: The Class of the C

Do you carry too many papers? Do you have too many assignments to keep track of? Do you forget things at school? Did you lose your pen?

Google Classroom is a classroom management system that allows you to create and grade assignments, connect with your students, offer feedback, and more. It is paperless and accessible from any electronic device.

-Create a roster. Use the format username@students.wcpss.net as you enter them. The usernames of your students can be found in Rapid Identity under Profile-My Students.

-Add yourself, your teammate, and all specialists as instructors.

-Create an assignment for your students.