Wiley Elementary AIG, SSA, and Talent Development

Important Dates:

Nominations: Fourth and fifth-grade parents who would like to nominate their children for spring AIG identification should do so by January 18, 2021. Third grade parents should make their nominations by Feb. 1.

Third Grade Info Sessions: Ms. Molloy will be hosting parent information sessions about Third Grade Explorers and Third Grade AIG identification on Thursday, Jan. 7, 2021 at 8:30 am and 4:00 pm. If you're interested, please join through Google Meet with the meeting code: vdg-wbpj-ujw

Please use the pages on this website to find out more about Wiley Elementary's AIG and SSA programs. If you still have questions, you can contact Wiley's AIG teacher Jill Molloy at jmolloy@wcpss.net.