Wakefield High School -

Mrs. Laura Stiles

Teacher: Mrs. Laura Stiles

Email: lstiles1@wcpss.net


Learning Platform: Canvas

Office Hours: most Tuesdays and Fridays after school as needed

Family Communication Methods: Weekly email, Remind

Parent / Family Communication

I have two ways for families to keep track of what the class is learning. The first format is a group email blast to parents. I will send weekly announcements briefly summarizing what was just completed and the learning goals for the upcoming week.

The second is through the Remind app. I use this to communicate with students and parents and give reminders and clarifications about assignments. Parents can send me a message, similar to an email and I'll promptly respond during normal office hours. You do not have to install an app for this to work.

If you are interested in receiving these communications, please fill out the form to the right.

Technology -- If your child is still in need of a chromebook and/or wifi hotspot for the school year please complete this survey.