Spanish at RBMS

Click on the links below for more information and support

¡Bienvenidos a la Escuela Intermedia River Bend !

I am Maria Pereda and I am very fortunate to be your child´s Spanish Teacher at River Bend Middle School. Please check this page on a weekly basis for updated information about our classes. I am looking forward to a great school year full of new learning experiences and growth.

This semester we will be using Canvas as our learning management system.  

Remember that you can check your child's academic progress by visiting the ParentPortal . You must have your login and password. If you are not familiar with this great tool please contact the school main office so they can assist you. 

Please do not hesitate to  contact me at if you have any questions, suggestions, concerns or just to ask how your child is doing in class. You can also send me a message via TalkingPoints. Thank you

Spanish program at River Bend Middle School

(Beginning Spanish Less than a Year)

This course is the first in a multi-course sequence for high school Level I credit. In this course, students will learn the foundations of the language's vocabulary and structures in order to communicate in simple, memorized, sentences related to basic necessary skills in the target language. Classes are conducted primarily in the target language with a strong focus on comprehensible input at a level appropriate for novice learners. Activities focus on students' abilities to perform in the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication. Students who successfully complete this course will demonstrate Novice Low proficiency and should enroll in the Intermediate course to continue the HS Level I credit curriculum. 

(Beginning Spanish  Year 1)

Pre-requisite: Beginning Spanish. 

This course is the continuation of a multi-course sequence for high school Level I credit. In this course, students will continue to learn the foundations of the language's vocabulary and structures in order to communicate in simple, memorized, sentences related to basic necessary skills in the target language. Classes are conducted primarily in the target language with a strong focus on comprehensible input at a level appropriate for novice learners. Activities focus on students' abilities to perform in the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication. Students who successfully complete this course will demonstrate Novice Low - Novice Mid proficiency level and should enroll in the Advanced course to complete the HS Level I credit curriculum. 

Pre-requisite: Intermediate Spanish

This course completes the high school Level I credit course. Students should have taken the Beginning and Intermediate levels prior to enrolling in this course. In this course, students will continue to learn the foundations of the language's vocabulary and structures in order to communicate in simple, memorized, sentences related to basic necessary skills in the target language. Classes are conducted primarily in the target language with a strong focus on comprehensible input at a level appropriate for novice learners. Activities focus on students' abilities to perform in the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication with a strong focus on target culture literacy. The goal is that students will be able to use what they have learned, in this course, now and in the future. Typical topics in the level one courses include personal identity, family, and activities in the community. Students in the course take an exit exam that is worth 20% of their grade. Students who successfully complete this course will demonstrate Novice Mid proficiency or higher and should register for high school Level II. 

Grading Rubric