Project-Based Learning

These were two of my favorite PBLs of my Freshman year. Project-based learning was new for me this year, but it helped me become a better communicator and collaborator. I enjoyed the opportunity for hands-on learning and creativity.

Driving Question: "How do art and science work together to inform and educate others of the earth’s natural wonders?"

Earth Wonders was a integrated PBL between Earth Science and Art. Students researched Mariana's Trench, Mt. Everest, Pyramids, StoneHenge, Galapagos Islands, and Volcano Fuego. They created chalk murals as visual representations of each wonder.

Read more about their PBL process -> EARTH WONDERS

Driving Question: "What microbe causes the most terrifying human death?"

What's Bugging You? was an integrated PBL between Biology and Art. Students researched a bacteria, virus, or protist they felt caused the most horrifying death. They created chalk murals as visual representations of the effects on the body as result of their microbe. View their voicethread to see pictures of their drawings and hear what the students had to say about their research!

Visit their VoiceThread -> WHAT'S BUGGING YOU?

You may choose to create a page for PBL or separate pages for your classes. How you organize your pages is up to you, but make sure the organization is clear.