Library Overview

Library Overview

Safe Space
The library media center is a safe and welcoming space that celebrates our students' individuality and honors their lived experiences. It is a place where students can read, explore, discover, and connect with stories and information that resonate with their individual journeys and expose them to the world beyond.    


The library media center is also a space for gathering and community.  It is a place where students can play games, eat lunch, and share stories.  It is a space for finding commonality and building relationships.


The library collection is for leisure reading, exploration of different topics of interest, and support of the curriculum. It offers a curated selection of materials influenced by student interest surveys, positive professional reviews, and student and staff requests.


The library media center reflects Dr. David Carr’s belief in the “ unspoken link between curiosity and courage…”.  The journey of learning and reading involves taking risks, and the library media center is a space where students can embrace challenges, learn from setbacks, and grow both personally and academically.  It is a hub of creativity, inspiration, and intellectual growth.


Please bring a signed pass and respect the "return time" filled out on the pass.

Respect the readers.  If there are readers in the library, please keep the noise down so that you can all enjoy the space.

If you play games, do puzzles, or use any of the building resources in the library, please put the items back in the way they were given to you.

No horseplay.  The room is too crowded for running or wrestling.  

Always be open to new experiences and you will find new books and topics to love.

Ask for help when you need it.  We all need help sometimes. You will never be judged for asking for assistance.

Love the books you check out, but please bring them back on time and in good condition.  We all know accidents happen.  Please let Ms. Calvo know if a book has been damaged.  She will always find a way to work things out.  :-)

Ms. Calvo is always excited to hear new ideas and suggestions for the library!  Just drop by and share your thoughts!