LPES Parents Questions Answered

Parents are asking...

What district resources does my child have access to from home?

Remote Learning Resources Site

What LPES resources does my child have access to from home?

Mrs. LeSueur’s website - https://luckyslibrary.weebly.com/

Ms. Trent’s website - https://mstrent.weebly.com/

Want even more: Go to the LPES Weblinks

How does my child post on Seesaw at home?

Seesaw Remote Home Learning For Families - The teacher must give you the Home for Learning Code for you to access this. Some teachers are using Google Classroom instead.

How can my student access email?

WCPSS does not provide emails for students in elementary school. However if you want them to have a personal email that is safe for children under 13, go to GoogleApps for kids.

How do I access google meet from home?

https://meet.google.com/_meet and type in the Meeting Code or click on the link the teacher sent.

How do I access Google Classroom from home?

Sign into Wake ID. The Wake ID for grades K - 2 is their lunch number for both their username and password.

The Wake ID for grades 3 - 5 is their lunch number and their password is one they made up. If they have forgotten this, contact Ms. Trent ttrent@wcpss.net or Mrs. LeSueur alesueur@wcpss.net

How do my children sign onto a Chromebook when they are sharing it?

Make sure you sign out and use the guest account or sign in with your wake id. For students it is username@students.wcpss.net and their wakeid password. Wake ID password for K-2 students is their lunch number. For grades 3-5, students made up their own password. If you do not know their username or password, please contact your teacher or Mrs. LeSueur at alesueur@wcpss.net

What is the password for (fill in the blank) resource?

Because most educational companies are making these resources free, we are posting this to the web. https://bit.ly/lpespasswords Otherwise in normal circumstances please contact your teacher or Mrs. LeSueur at alesueur@wcpss.net

How can I enroll my child for Kindergarten?

You can still do the online enrollment but will you need to wait until Wake County decides how to handle this.