Language Arts

Contact Us!

Mrs. Blum:

Mrs. Bone:

Ms. Carr:

Mrs. Credle:

Frequently Used Websites

(Most sites can be accessed via student's WCPSS email address; if a code is needed, contact the teacher.)



Boom Learning


PBS Learning


Untitled: May 3, 2020 8:21 AM.webm

Week 5 ELA Work Video STEP by STEP

Welcome to Language Arts!

Welcome, readers & writers!

  • We are excited to start this new way of learning with you! We understand that there will be challenges along with way, from family situations to technology issues. The health and well-being of you and your family is the most important issue, so please share with us what we can do - now and throughout the quarter. If we can do anything now, let us know here!

  • Everything we offer will be posted on Google Classroom*. Please go to your Wake ID portal, choose Google Classroom, and go to your ELA class. News, assignments, class times, etc. will be posted there and updated frequently!

  • Don't forget that when you log into your WakeID portal that you can also click on Discovery Education. You have access to TONS of videos, texts, and interactive activities. You can also build boards and share them!

*Parents - Students in Mrs. Bone and Mrs. Blum's ELA classes are already enrolled in Google Classroom, by class period. They have all used it and know how to navigate it.