Remote Learning

Remote Learning Help

AIG info/Schedule

Team Office Hours

Willis 1-2 pm - via email

Pollenz 1-2 pm - via email

Basaldu 2-3 pm - Google Meet

Krainik 2-3 pm - Google Meet

Student Email Accounts

Please know that it is WCPSS policy that students and teachers only communicate electronically using their WCPSS email accounts. Please visit this information site to learn more about accessing student email accounts.


Thank you all for being so understanding and flexible over the past weeks as we navigated through the process of our new norm. It was great to see the kids this week to learn how to use the Google Meet feature and get some of their questions answered. What we all need to understand is things change rapidly as new decisions are made by NCDPI and WCPSS, so FLEXIBILITY should be our mantra from here on out.

Remote Learning starts April 13th: Mrs. Cleveland has shared our new schedule and Virtual Learning Website in her weekly address. It will come in handy as everything is in one central location- you just have to click on your teacher's link. Students should check the website daily for each class to get instructions for the day's learning focus/activities. Our team teachers will "meet" with the kids this week to review rules, expectations, procedures, etc. From that point, there will be a combination of flipped classes and face to face meetings to engage with the kids.

Privacy: It is VERY IMPORTANT that you and your child are aware that for privacy purposes, no one should screen shot, video or audio record any part of the Google Meet sessions for any purpose. It is against the school rules and legal issues crop up. The Meetings are for our classes only and students should only attend those classes for which they are scheduled.

ATTENDANCE/GRADING: Expectations for grading 4th quarter are constantly changing. With that in mind, we will operate with the expectation that attendance and assignments matter. We want every child to be prepared to move forward to the next year. Therefore, we do expect that students will attend the Meeting sessions and we will take attendance. We recognize that attending may not always be possible due to individual circumstances, so we would encourage students to have a class buddy or utilize office hours as needed for specific questions when possible. It is possible we will be on a Pass/Fail basis for the remainder of the year. CHASE THE LEARNING, NOT THE GRADE! We will continue to grade/give feedback on all assignments as we have always done. However, until we are given guidance to enter grades in Powerschool, they will be housed in Google Classes or Canvas (the format your teacher uses).


Willis and Pollenz will be available for students to get their questions answered through email during their office hours.

Krainik and Basaldu will be available on Google Meet. Information is available on their individual Google Classrooms.

These are times for student support. Parent Conferences can be arranged at other times if needed.

LAPTOP DISTRIBUTION- WCPSS has not yet finalized a date to distribute laptops to those WMS students who indicated they needed one. You will be contacted to let you know that date soon.