Placing Holds
Search and hold your next book!
Search and hold your next book!
Login to WakeID, choose "Follett Destiny" for our Library Catalog.
Login to WakeID, choose "Follett Destiny" for our Library Catalog.
Look for your name to know you're logged in!
Look for your name to know you're logged in!
Along the top, use the drop down to see your profile with books out and holds.
Along the top, use the drop down to see your profile with books out and holds.
On the right, next to your face, you can search for a specific book.
On the right, next to your face, you can search for a specific book.
Once you search, you'll have a list of books.
Once you search, you'll have a list of books.
The green or red banner shows if the book is checked in or checked out. If you see a Green "IN" you can come to the library to get it!
The green or red banner shows if the book is checked in or checked out. If you see a Green "IN" you can come to the library to get it!
Either way, once you find a book you would like, hit the "Hold" button to have it held for you. If it's ready and you can't come get it, we'll deliver to your 1st period or ELA teacher within 24 hours.
Either way, once you find a book you would like, hit the "Hold" button to have it held for you. If it's ready and you can't come get it, we'll deliver to your 1st period or ELA teacher within 24 hours.
If you see the Red "OUT" banner, you'll be on the waitlist, and it could take a week or two, but we'll get it to you ASAP.
If you see the Red "OUT" banner, you'll be on the waitlist, and it could take a week or two, but we'll get it to you ASAP.